Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Don't Act Entitled

Don't act entitled. Entitled people start at a job and think they're above doing menial things that need to get done in order for an organization's wheels to spin. You should never go into a job with this attitude, and you should never be above doing any task. Even when you're running your own company and ruling the world, if you need to make copies or send faxes or balance a budget or do anything else that is technically 'not part of your job,' you should always be willing to do it. Successful people roll up their sleeves and do the grunt work after everyone else goes home. If you start at a job or an internship with the attitude that you're too talented to do the grunt work and should be doing what your bosses are doing, it will show and your superiors won't like you. A good attitude and a desire to please and earn next-level opportunities goes a long way.

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