Saturday, April 26, 2014

Six Great Ways to Get Hired Today

Six Great Ways To Get Hired Today

Whether you recently lost your job or are ready to jump ship from your current one, the chances of your getting a new position through the want ads is next to nil. The good news is that there are many other avenues to pursue.
Start by updating your resume and your LinkedIn profile.  Then come up with a brief pitch, highlighting what makes you special, that you can tailor as you approach potential contacts. Here are the best ways to harness it in your job hunt.
1. Tap your network. Everybody knows somebody. Within your existing network there are probably three jobs that would be appropriate for you, but the people who could help open doors to those jobs just haven’t thought of you. Make a list of everyone you know. Set a goal to touch base with three people you have not talked to for a year or more. Meet one of them for coffee or lunch. Identify the 25 most influential people in your network and brainstorm ways to strengthen your relationships with each.
2. Connect with alumni. We generally like people who have something in common with us; who share the same values or hobbies; or have gone to the same school. Call the alumni in your region, go to meetings and grow your network. Adding three new alumni per week (through alumni directories or LinkedIn) is a solid approach–even better if these are in your industry.
3. Attend events. These include ones hosted by charities and professional organizations. Talk to at least one person at every meeting who you haven’t met yet. If you can get the list of attendees beforehand, identify at least one person who you would like to meet and make arrangements to connect there in person. Without imposing, look for an excuse to follow up—by meeting again, or getting a referral to someone else.
4. Use LinkedIn to maximum effect. LinkedIn is a powerful tool to easily connect with the right people. Search your target market based on your industry, qualifications, university and interests, and connect with the people who interest you. For example, if you work in the insurance sector, you could aim to connect with all potential bosses and human resource departments in this industry and in your market. You can even set goals for yourself, such as, “Connect to all general managers and human resource managers in the insurance industry in my city by the end of April.”
5. Check job boards. Many companies and recruiters use them to find the right candidate. Define the top job boards for your skill set and put your resume there. Choose a catchy, succinct headline that encourages the reader to open the attachment. Many show when your resume was last updated. To avoid getting shifted deeper into the pile of applicants, update it weekly.
6. Contact headhunters. Senior-level professionals are recruited almost exclusively though recommendation or by headhunters. We know about jobs that will never be advertised and we have experience finding openings. If you work with a headhunter, choose carefully. Identify several (but no more than five) whom you trust and be prepared to follow-up.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

How Good Body Language can Help You Get Hired

How good body language can boost your interview success

Remember how your mother always told you to stand straight? She did so for a reason. To ensure that you present the best image of yourself as possible to those you hold company with. There is almost no other time where it is more crucial that you follow your mother’s advice than on a coveted job interview. Exhibiting the right body language on your interview can greatly enhance your performance according to most hiring managers.
Make sure you do the following on your next interview:
• Maintain eye contact throughout the entire interview
• Give a firm handshake both before and after the interview to all that are interviewing you
• Sit-up straight in your chair and stand-up straight if going on a walking tour with your interviewer(s)
• Lean in to listen to the “interviewer” at key moments
• Speak with your hands to illustrate your points visually
• Smile and reciprocate any light banter said by the interviewer(s)

Keep in mind that strong body language exudes confidence and a deeper understanding of the roles and duties that are expected of you on the job. Hiring managers want to make sure that they can count on you to follow through and take pride in your work. Positive body language will signal to them that more and likely you will meet those ideals and qualifications. A firm handshake, eye contact, and correct posture can go a long way in your interview. Remembering to exhibit these keystones of strong body language will likely position you as a top candidate with hiring managers for their next new hire.
Your mom didn’t give you that old adage advice for nothing. Now her advice can make the difference from back to the drawing board with your job search to new dream job.